Even now, it is in my remembrance 到现在我还记得
The last night of October 十月的最后一夜
Leaving only words with unknown meanings 留下的,只有意思不明的文字
We’ve parted our ways 我们就此分离
An expression of loneliness on that day 那天孤单的表情
Would that be your truth 是你的真相吗
Unable to say a word of justification 无法再说一字辩解
Must I be forgotten 难道,我得被遗忘
A season that always returns 一个不断归来的季节
Bestows me with a dream, however. 却赐予我一个梦
A dream that cannot be realized is sorrowful 一个无法实现的梦,悲伤
Brings me to tears 使我落泪
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