「香港管治」新概念惹疑慮 「兩支隊伍」論有必要澄清
(明報)4月27日 星期一 17:45
文章又指,胡錦濤 總書記在中共十七大政治報告中進一步指出:「保持香港、 澳門長期繁榮穩定是黨在新形勢下治國理政面臨的重大課題。」
吳康民認為駐港解放軍 、外交部特派員公署以及中聯辦,並沒成為香港管治隊 伍的一部分,亦不是「騎在特區政府 之上的決策機構」,「更不是另一支管治 隊伍的總管」。連左派元老也察覺這篇文章的概念出現問題,
首先,2004年3月7日人大委員長吳邦國 ,在北京 表示「中央對香港的政策 將是不干預、適當有作為」;接着,
●2008年9月,香港舉行立法會 選舉,自由黨 田北辰 指中聯辦「直頭支 持梁美芬」,投票日黃昏,田北俊 亦曾致電中聯辦主任高祀仁 ,為田北辰 求救;
●2009年1月,代表鄉議局 的立法會議員劉皇發 獲委任為行政會議 成 員,被炮轟是政治酬庸,以答謝他讓路予民建聯 葉國謙 出選立法會,外界 質疑中聯辦從中「發功」;
歡迎回應 editorial@mingpao.com
在复旦呆了四年,我几乎已经忘了什么才是新加坡式打扮。所以,总是一件T恤配宽松牛仔裤,再披一件有复旦校徽的寒衣,头发任其“自然美”。结果是,一个介于“寒酸”与“low-taste luxury fashion”之间的宅男样。开始时,是容易患上被害妄想症的,仿佛在校园里走着,无时无刻都有不屑的犀利目光在静静审视你,一下将你的自信“秒杀”。不过久而久之,也就不介意外表了。
但一开口说普通话,引起的又是另一番恐慌。我不太喜欢被误认为大陆人,但大陆同学总说,他们经常忘记我是新加坡人。而我又不喜欢开口说英语,因为口音太明显,不想被人误认为张扬自己的国籍。更何况,Singlish 也没什么值得炫耀的。
需要挣脱一切的时候,我也爱沿着柏立基书院后的小路,“向山上走,饶几个弯”,到太平山顶享受“晴空中海风送来的那一股清气”。九十年前的空气素质,想必比现在好得多。朱光潜的太平山顶,“老是天浪气晴”;我的Victoria Peak,却老是烟雾弥漫,就是最佳证明。但山道旁树立的黑白照片中,豆型的小岛、宽广的海面、缭绕的山脉,与眼前是没多大变化的。山林以绿茵庇佑着旅者,1919年也好,2009年也罢,山泉的潺潺静鸣,空中的冰凉触感,穿过高瘦树群的夕阳余辉,总是大同小异的吧。
儘管時間已經過去八十多年,但如果你願意偷得浮生半日閑,沿着港大「梅舍」(May Hall)後邊的小徑,向山上一步步走去,不斷繞幾個綠意盎然的彎道,再鼓勁爬到山頂,當可聞到朱光潛當年所吟詠「太平山頂晴空中海風送來的那一股清氣」。
二十世紀初,中國正處於水深火熱中,內遭封建統治之苦,外受列強瓜分之厄;當時的香港,業 已淪為殖民地逾半個世紀,在英國管轄下,成了亞洲地區西化都市的典型代表,可是教育事業卻始終裹足不前。英人認為,香港是一個商業社會,人口不多,不需要 一間大學,創辦大學實屬奢侈之舉,故有關提議乃遭否決。
一九○五年十二月十五日,香港《德臣西報》(China Mail)刊出該報經理、澳大利亞人唐納(Donald)題《在香港建立帝國大學議》的評論。文章指出,在未來的遠東和中國,將會出現英國和日本的角逐, 在香港創建一所大學,可吸引中國南方甚至北方的學生,這對英帝國建立一所大學是很有價值的投資。唐納道出了其時英國人要在中國土地上辦一所英式大學的用 意,但此一訴求並未立即獲得回應,港督彌敦(Nathan)反應冷淡,認為在香港辦大學並不能迅速達致預期效果。
直到一九○七年七月,新任港督盧押(Lugard)到職,他對《德臣西報》同年十月再次呼 籲在香港建立大學極表贊成。翌年一月十七日,盧押在聖士提反書院(St. Stephen's College)頒獎典禮上致詞,希望這所大學成為遠東的牛津和劍橋,並且表示這將為香港和中國帶來利益。此後,盧押和社會熱心人士積極籌集資金,香港大 學始有以成。其中,晚清第三、四批留美幼童(即洋務運動中,清廷所派遣的留美學生)周壽臣、梁誠,出力最多;兩人最終被英王頒授爵士勳銜。
盧押重申香港大學的辦學宗旨:港大是「為中國而立」的大學(A BRITISH UNIVERSITY IN HONG KONG FOR CHINA),它的任務是「幫助新的中國從地平線上升起來」。 為此,港大應效法伯明罕(University of Birmingham)、利茲(University of Leeds)等大學重視應用科學,並且向不同種族、不同信仰的學生開放。同時,港大應使用英語教學語言,以便擴大英語在遠東的影響;他建議通過接受中國內 地學生,增進中、英間的相互了解。盧押對建立港大的意義作了很高的評價,認為這將成為殖民史上的分水嶺,使英國從取得(殖民地)的時代轉入發展(殖民地) 的時代。他還期許港大的畢業生,將來能在四億中國人民中產生無窮盡的影響。
由於「『北京學生』大抵是化外之民」,朱光潛在這期間學會了「容忍」。他對學校舉辦的各式 各樣活動望而卻步,對同學用以調侃他的「Wise Men」(Wise Men,比「Queen fish」較好聽的代名詞)諢號,置若罔聞。午後,沿着「梅舍」小徑蜿蜒而至山頂,成了他難以言喻的「癮」;下山之後,享受一頓美味的晚餐,則成了他「最 留戀」的大學生活。
至一九二六年,這十四年的光景都沒有正式成立中文系,只設置一些傳統的經學課程,由辛亥革 命後避居香港的晚清翰林賴際熙、區大典等主持。一九二五至一九三 ○年,當時在任的港督金文泰(Cecil Clementi)對中國傳統文學情有獨鍾,他和這些「晚清遺老」相處甚歡,積極向港大建議成立中文系。經多番周折,中文學部終於在一九二七年成立。
仍不得不提胡適。一九三五年,胡適南下接受港大頒贈他一生首個名譽博士學位,他向校方提 議,港大中文學院中國文學系的主任應由中國學者擔任,此人應畢業於英國大學,對中西文化有精深造詣,在學術界享有權威,而且還應是南方籍貫,諳閩粵方言, 這樣才不會生隔膜;港大若能聘得這樣資格的學者,中文學院必有所成就。其後,校方採納了這項建議,經胡適介紹,許地山於一九三五年秋受聘香港大學,主持中 國文學系,成為繼醫學院王寵益教授之後,第二位出任港大教授的中國人。
不少學生因許地山的到來獲益良多,著名史學家金應熙在《悼許地山師》一文中深情追憶:「先 生卻是最恨敷衍了事的,他對每一課都認真預備。有幾次我到中文學院上課,比預定上課時間早,已經看見先生在教室認真預備,翻抄上課時需用的參考書籍了。在 上課的時間,有時偶遇一二個意義不明的詞,先生也從來不肯放過,總要找到解釋才休的。」
早在20年代末30年代初,許地山任教於燕京大學,同時在清華大學兼課教人類學,與陳寅恪堪稱「同事」。兩人志趣相投,交往甚密。1937年「七七事變」 後,陳寅恪攜眷逃難至香港,由於人生地不熟,加上不諳粵語,生活頗困頓。就在此時,時任港大教授的許地山前去探望,適時伸出了援手。其後陳寅恪因戰事滯留 香港,無法赴牛津大學就職,經許地山多方聯繫,港大決定聘任他為客座教授,以解陳之經濟拮据,兩人感情更益加深。
許地山逝世後,港大中文系的職位需人接替,陳寅恪自然是適合的人選之一。但時局轉壞,不出數月光景,太平洋戰爭爆發,香港淪陷,進入三年零八個月的黑暗 期,陳寅恪遂辭職賦閑。日本當局持日金40萬元委任他辦東方文學院,他堅決不予就範。1942年春,日方專程請他到已被日軍侵佔的上海授課,他再次抗命並 出走香港,取道廣州至桂林,先後任教於廣西大學和中山大學,不久遷往燕京大學。
「戰爭開始的時候,港大的學生大都樂得歡蹦亂跳,因12月8日正是大考的第一天,平白地免考是千載難逢的盛事。」然而,後來的日子卻要在歇斯底里的擔驚受 怕中度過。忽而,「一個炸彈掉在我們宿舍的隔壁」;忽而,「黑漆漆的箱子間裏,只聽見機關槍『忒啦啦拍拍』,像荷葉上的雨。」休戰後,女學生們在「大學堂 臨時醫院」做看護,面對着因戰爭而「浪費」的生命。對於戰爭,「和平反而使人心亂,像喝醉酒似的」。張愛玲在《燼餘錄》中,盡情表達了對戰爭生活的冷靜與 反諷,可見戰爭之於她「切身的、劇烈的影響」。
在腥風血雨和戰亂的年代,莫說書本,就連人命亦危如累卵,但此中卻有一愛書如癡的陳君葆。他當時任馮平山圖書館館長兼中文學院教授,為了保存南京中央圖書 館所託付110箱共3萬冊善本書,忍辱負重背上了「私通敵人」、「盜取中國古物」的罪名,並且在日軍監視下埋頭整理館藏書籍。
文匯報 2005-06
寫於三十三年(1944 年)春嘉定武漢大學
雨天,二楼游戏咖啡座,与我差不多同龄的香港朋友们,一般以普通话称呼我“小雄”,今天却改用广东话。Siew Hung, siew hung地叫着,每呼我一次,就仿佛拆下一块心与心之间的墙砖。
謝安琪@HKU Sing Con 08 - 囍帖街
作曲:eric kwok 填词:黄伟文
编曲 监制:eric kwok
2. “六四”运动二十周年与学生民主运动
3. 公民社会的纠纷与新旧思想信仰的对峙
4. 新加坡讲华语运动三十年
1)听了一个讲座,谈的是“五四运动”的“民主”,才初步理解了“共和”(Republicanism) 与“民主”(Democracy)的不同,看到了中国社会如何从康有为、陈独秀二人关于“宪法与孔教之争”开始,就铺下了种种概念上的二元对立链条,以至于今天谈民主,只能是傻傻分不清楚。在过程中,也纠正了自己许多的偏见,原本内心的矛盾,开始有些释怀。如精英治国与群众附和,长期是困扰着我的,然而一旦联系亚里士多德《政治学》、古罗马行政体制、Machiavelli《王子论》、孟德斯鸠的“三权分立”与卢梭的《社会契约论》,就逐渐明白一点:长久以来,共和政体总是围绕古希腊Monarchy-Aristocracy-Polity的三个柱子的相互平衡而发展而来的。因此,当自己被纳入“精英”的行列,前提是必须要拥有大部分群众所难以实践的“德性”。为其如此,才能够具有领导的正当性(leadership legitimacy)。
● 郑永年
苏格拉底说:False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil.
到头来,from my own academic training, Reason is for us to learn to overcome binaries in all aspects of life, but at the same time not to feel that it will then make us "rootless" or "sitting on the fence". 《庄子》里有篇”逍遥游“,说一只大鸟,一飞就是几万里,
若问我如何看待人生,我会说,存在的意义就在于其无所谓意义。不是”有意义“或”无意义“的问题,而是明知自己无法掌握意义(因为从现实看这经常是别人赋 予的),却必须为自己编织一个做事和活着的理由。所以,有些辩证的矛盾统一,即虚无中的动力、绝望中的希望般,保持着一种信念:意义只是我们自觉赋予手头 上或头脑里想做的事的动力,除此之外什么都不是。也因此,意义是不定的。而生命的意义(活下去的理由),也许也正是追求这一切”浮动“意义的欲望,及其总 和。
At the end of the day, frankly our own Life isn't as difficult to make sense of. At the end of the day, I think there is a limit that we hit which we call true contention. Everyone has different thresholds, the "smarter" ones ironically have higher limits because they are bothered by the chain of Logic, which restrains belief. Once we come to stage where we learn to reconcile our souls with the God that we have been conditioned a-priori to see as someone outside of ourselves, that's the Eureka point that you'll truly understand why they say God is in all of us. The Christian God is the only god that gives and not take, that's why ppl believe in him. But think one step deeper, it's simply because it's hard for us as humans to do so. Ultimately, even without believing this Christian God but trying to walk in his footsteps, I think that's how we gain transcendence and happiness. Same reason why they say 人人皆可成佛. We've just got to try, each and every of us, ourselves and seek a "religion" that's yours. I began with nurturing the habit of smiling to myself fist thing I wake up in the morning. Life feels like a piece of Art in progress, and I am the one drawing and being drawn. That's my philosophy, and it brings me through the rest of everything else in a dimension called "reality".
不满关于六四事件言论,港大学生会动议弹劾会长 陈一谔
转自 http://www.chinakolau.com/wordpress/?p=649
平反六四或者平反八九民運嘅意義其實可以從兩個角度嚟睇:第一個就係從香港嘅角度嚟睇,第二個就係從呢個中國國內嘅情況嚟睇。點解我頭先一直強調一 個核心,係好想強調,一直都強調緊,就係喺平反八九民運,平反六四,應該著重佢嘅本質。運動發起嘅原因係正如頭先程翔先生講係學生見到國內有好多問題,覺 得喺社會上有啲不公義嘅或者有啲腐壞嘅,腐敗嘅情況下佢哋敢站出嚟去講嘢。佢敢去了解,敢去為真相去爭取。
喺香港嘅意義,呢點係重要嘅,因為點解我哋香港嘅社會,我哋成日好多社會嘅大眾去批評我哋香港嘅人淨係顧住搵錢,淨係掛住股票嘅升跌呀,或者係掛住 自己嘅工作,而失去咗關心社會嘅之情。係因為好多時候都缺乏咗八九年學生站出嚟嗰種關心社會嗰個精神。所以,趁住呢個六四嘅二十年,六四鎮壓嘅二十年,或 者八九民運喺呢個2009年嘅時代意義,喺香港呢個地域性裡面嘅呢個時代意義,應該係著重於我哋點樣先可能可以好似當初嘅學生咁樣,敢為社會、佢自己相信 嘅、敢為社會嘅不公、敢去企出嚟站出嚟去肩負社會嘅責任?呢啲都係重要嘅。
從呢個中國國內情況嚟睇係點呢?咁我未必係為呢個中央政府講嘢,但係如果有一日六四真係平反嘞,佢係標誌住一個叫做政治改革嘅一個笛頭。咁其實如果 從政府嘅角度嚟睇,我哋明白到中華人民共和國頭三十年,佢哋係好多時間,或者好多精力,或者好多心機都花喺政治鬥爭之上。1978年之後改革開放,鄧小平 係希望透過經濟嘅改革、經濟嘅繁榮去改善當初嘅人民生活。我覺得,如果我哋中央政府嘅官員,或者國內嘅人民,或者香港嘅市民真係認定咗六四係一定會平反 嘅,佢一定會平反。但係嗰個大前提,或者係嗰個方向係農村改革嘅成功令到中國唔係小部份富起嚟,係可以令中國嘅財富帶去九億嘅農民身上,令到佢哋生活嘅水 平有一定程度,令到中國有一個經濟嘅基礎之下,政治改革係一定會隨之而嚟嘅。可能,中國政府係有個藍圖,佢哋係講出2020年,2025年定2020年, 具體情況唔記得咗。2025年初步達到小康嘅階段。2049年,呢個建國一百周年,去到達成一個呢個叫做社會民主嘅中國。我相信呢個時間表可能係太長,但 係我相信有一日,只要國內嘅人民喺可以享受一定程度嘅經濟素質之下,政治改革係一定隨之而嚟嘅。因為只有先進嘅,我哋中國四個現代化,第五個現代化一定係 政治現代化,只有政治現代化先可以配合番當初,或者係相對程度嘅經濟水準,令到經濟繁榮可以持續落去。
同學,如果我哋要關心社會嘅話,我哋首先要敢問、敢提出自己嘅意見、敢提出你嘅睇法,如果個個香港市民都願意提出佢對普選,佢對六四嘅立場嘅話,呢 個香港先會有一個新嘅希望。咁所以問問題呢,大家唔駛太過守規矩,積極去問,無論係內地同學、本港同學,俾佢哋見識到我哋香港大學嘅同學問問題係有深度、 有水準嘅。
回應返David嘅問題,咁我係講緊我嘅觀點嘅,咁每個同學每個人都應該有佢表達立場嘅機會,我哋應該尊重佢哋嘅意見。是其所是,非其所非。咁我 哋,頭先我哋一直都強調,呢個八九民運,佢嘅本質應該係愛國,應該係關心番家國,關心番社會,指出社會問題。但係我哋有一點係要認識嘅,八九民運,佢嘅事 情,佢嘅開始由四月當初由胡耀邦逝世到學生紀念胡耀邦,到慢慢開始佢嘅運動係一日……自從絕食之後,佢嘅本質亦都喺度一日一日咁改變緊。咁呢一點王丹都指 出過嘅。咁我想指出嘅就係,我哋去講平反八九民運,我哋去講平反六四,我哋有個基礎。就呢件事嚟講,我哋有個基礎,就係首先,香港嘅同學,或者係國內嘅同 學,應該無論個意見喺邊個表達,我哋應該盡量去認識,盡量去明白成個運動嗰個轉變。當我哋明白到成個運動嘅轉變,我哋會明白到兩點。第一點,呢個運動嘅本 質一定係關心社會嘅,關心國家,關心民族嘅。呢一點,只要我哋有個肯定嘅話,我哋就會贊成去平反八九民運。第二點就係,如果我哋要真正,有機會平反到八九 民運,我哋要好似大前提咁所講,我哋要將每一個責任,每一個責任分得好清楚。究竟柴玲,你頭先話嗰個走佬嗰個學生領袖,係嘞。阿柴玲佢當初點解會有咁嘅說 話,或者點解佢會反對王丹喺五月三十號去解散啲學生,去和平散去呢?如果五月三十號,學生領袖或者學生群係真係可以和平散去嘅話,咁六四呢件事件係咪可以 避免呢?當然,我哋明白到,中央政府可能喺呢個鎮壓上面係嘅手法上面係有問題嘅。但係同時明白到,好多悲劇係可以透過理性嘅方法去解決到嘅。但係點解唔可 以用理性嘅手段去解決到呢?咁就係關乎學生領袖究竟佢係咪真係有佢私心嘅存在,究竟係咪真係有其他嘅勢力影響之下,令到佢作出呢個唔應該有嘅決定呢?當初 柴玲喺個……如果大家有睇過《天安門》呢套紀錄片嘅話,柴玲係講過天安門或者八九民運係一定要用鮮血嚟結束嘅,一定要由血嘅結束,但係最荒謬嘅嘢就係佢唔 係用自己嘅血。如果佢係覺得八九民運為咗爭取到一樣堅持嘅嘢,係要流血嘅。當日有乜鎮壓嘅情況,佢要有乜行動嘅話,流嘅血一定第一個係自己。但係佢係用其 他人嘅血去結束呢個民運。所以呢一點,我哋講平反八九民運嘅話,我哋一定要唔單止矛頭喺指向中央政府,我哋仲要明白到呢個細節有邊個錯。呢個唔係政治立場 嘅問題,呢個係是其所是,非其所非嘅問題。唔該晒。
我想回應劉議員嘅發言嘅。咁頭先劉議員話我喺講咗話六四鎮壓嗰度中央係有啲問題。我講嘅問題唔係否認鎮壓嗰個錯誤。鎮壓本身係一個唔好嘅手段,係一 個血腥嘅手段,我哋要認同。問題係,我指有啲問題嘅意思係可能會有其他方法會好過鎮壓,但係可能當時中央政府諗唔到。但係我想同時講出,點解會選擇鎮壓嘅 呢種手法係因為當時嗰個成個國家嗰個情況,係唔單止……八九民運可能好多同學缺乏咗認識。八九民運雖然天安門喺成個高潮或者焦點嘅所在,但係成個嗰個運動 係唔局限於嗰個北京嘅,而係局限喺其他社會嘅地方,例如有啲交通嘅問題呀等等等等,都係有學生去支持呢個罷課呀。成個國家係有一個動亂嘅情況,唔係動亂, 係一個混亂嘅情況喺度嘅。咁我相信我哋喺一個文明嘅社會,無論點樣講,我哋都可能會認為鎮壓係唔係一個絕對恰當嘅手段。但係如果我哋真係可能要平反到八九 民運、平反六四,首先我重申程翔先生或者同意劉議員講,我哋需要嘅係一個辯論,我哋需要係咁多同學參予,咁去問問題,去了解番成件事究竟邊個係真相,邊個 係大家所相信嘅嘢。咁但係我哋首先要建基於一個理性嘅分析,所以好多同學,我而家唔係幫內地嘅同學講說話,雖然佢哋可能唔識用Microsoft Word將文字轉成繁體字,但係我哋唔好因為佢哋係簡體字嘅開係,所以就覺得內地同學諗嘅嘢一定係錯嘅。咁內地嘅同學你哋出嚟問問題,我哋都好希望你哋可 以表達到你哋嘅意見。
……(Clip片問題,此句前幾個字被剪掉)講出自己嘅意見,民主牆回應,我哋可能會加大個民主牆。好喇,咁回應第一個問題先,咁大家同學,如果你 提出咁嘅問題呢,可能會步咗馬力嘅後塵。馬力所講嘅說話,受到好大嘅批評嘅,就係如果你話坦克車車過人嘅話,你攞隻豬去做實驗,去睇吓會唔會有個豬樣,或 者係等等等等。咁我承認一點嘅就係,真相係愈辯愈明嘅,雖然我哋手頭上嘅資料,喺youtube例如天安門嘅影片呀,或者其他資料入面會有唔同嘅演繹,嗰 段片有人……同一條屍體有人話係解放軍,同一條屍體又有人話佢係平民,究竟嗰條屍體佢係解放軍定係平民呢?我哋唔知道,但係我哋知道一樣嘢,我哋可以透過 討論,可以透過去了解,去明白到究竟邊一方面係有理據嘅。假如劉議員係啱嘅話佢一定會拗贏劉江華議員,假如劉江華議員係啱,佢都一定有機會拗番贏劉議員。 但係呢個一定要大家肯企出嚟表達自己嘅意見。新一代二十世紀,廿一世紀嘅同學係要去關注番呢件事情,去討論番究竟邊個係真係有真理所在嘅。
咁第二個問題,我係有睇過相關嘅文件嘅。咁好簡單一句說話就係,當初中央政府係推出戒嚴令嘅,係戒嚴令推出之後呢,喺街上面任何一啲同外……做一啲 叫做示威或者遊行係錯嘅。錯嘅意思係根據法律佢係違法嘅。但係我想講一樣嘢,一樣嘢合理未必合情。合理嘅意思係佢唔遵守法律,呢樣嘢係我哋明白嘅,但係呢 樣嘢係咪合情理……合情呢?即係究竟係咪可以諒解呢,就係另一個可以討論嘅空間。咁當然啦,每個人有唔同嘅意見,香港同學可以表達意見,大陸嘅同學都可以 表達意見。
評 議 會 施 壓 陳 一 諤 仍 不 認 錯
只 為 影 響 同 學 致 歉 否 認 六 四 言 論 不 理 性
【 本 報訊 】 再 三 因 為 六 四 言 論 而 被 各 界 狂 轟 的 香 港 大 學 學 生 會 會 長 陳 一 諤 , 日 前 死 撐 自 己沒 有 做 錯 , 堅 拒 道 歉 及 下 台 ; 負 責 監 察 學 生 會 運 作 的 評 議 會 不 能 容 忍 陳 一 諤 繼 續 影響 港 大 學 生 會 聲 譽 及 對 學 生 造 成 分 化 , 要 求 他 就 六 四 言 論 公 開 道 歉 , 否 則 不 排 除 採取 進 一 步 行 動 。 結 果 陳 一 諤 昨 日 就 言 論 對 同 學 帶 來 的 影 響 致 歉 , 而 非 就 其 六 四 歪 論道 歉 , 並 否 認 言 論 不 理 性 。 記 者 : 許 偉 賢 、 莫 劍 弦
港大 學 生 會 評 議 會 昨 午 召 開 緊 急 會 議 討 論 陳 一 諤 事 件 , 大 多 數 與 會 者 對 陳 的 六 四 言 論, 例 如 以 「 有 啲 問 題 」 形 容 中 共 鎮 壓 行 動 深 表 不 滿 , 認 為 陳 有 損 學 生 會 聲 譽 ; 他 又反 覆 區 別 本 地 生 及 內 地 生 對 六 四 持 不 同 立 場 , 造 成 學 生 之 間 的 分 化 , 因 此 在 大 比 數贊 成 票 下 通 過 對 他 深 表 遺 憾 , 更 要 求 他 就 不 當 言 行 公 開 道 歉 。
有 損 學 生 會 聲 譽
評議 會 署 理 會 長 霍 俊 杰 接 受 查 詢 時 表 示 , 陳 一 諤 日 前 仍 堅 持 自 己 言 論 沒 有 錯 , 令 評 議會 不 得 不 召 開 緊 急 會 議 跟 進 , 並 通 過 要 他 發 表 公 開 聲 明 , 為 有 損 港 大 學 生 會 聲 譽 道歉 , 否 則 不 排 除 採 取 進 一 步 行 動 。
日 前 堅 稱 沒 有 錯 便 不 用 道 歉 的 陳 一 諤 昨 天未 有 回 覆 本 報 查 詢 , 但 他 接 受 其 他 傳 媒 訪 問 時 表 示 , 對 同 學 因 其 六 四 言 論 受 影 響 致歉 , 希 望 事 件 盡 快 了 結 。 他 指 挑 戰 傳 統 價 值 一 定 受 阻 撓 , 期 望 社 會 容 納 不 同 聲 音 ,澄 清 無 意 批 評 六 四 學 運 領 袖 及 淡 化 中 央 在 六 四 事 件 的 責 任 , 但 否 認 言 論 不 理 性 。
罷 免 會 長 不 容 易
據了 解 , 評 議 會 及 幹 事 會 要 罷 免 陳 一 諤 會 長 職 務 並 不 容 易 , 除 了 要 有 300 名 港 大 學 生聯 名 動 議 外 , 還 要 召 開 全 民 大 會 , 因 此 未 必 可 以 在 短 期 內 成 事 。
在 六 四 事 件 發 生 後 三 個 月 才 出 生 的 中 大 學 生 會 外 務 副 會 長 范 長 豐 , 昨 天 則 在 一 公 開 活 動 中 呼 籲 年 輕 人 以 不 同 途 徑 了 解 六 四 真 相 。(《苹果日报》)
六四言論出位 面臨罷免
香港大學學生會一連三日的「六四公投」今日踏入最後一天,當初有份參與公投議題討論的學生會會長陳一諤,由參選至上任,點起一個個火頭,政治風波越 起越大,先被質疑是隱形左派,共青團成員,更傳他與共產黨,中聯辦關係密切,其後他又失言評論北京當年鎮壓八九學運只是有點問題,並指柴玲是走佬學生領 袖,一連串的是是非非,令他由一名普通大一學生,搖身變成惹火人物。不過,這個惹火小子,接受訪問時卻表明無懼抨擊,堅持反思無罪,更阿Q地說,即使面臨 被罷免,亦只是體現民主精神。
生於一九八九年三月的陳一諤,在六四事件發生時是一個隻懂吃喝睡拉的嬰兒,父母是土生土長的香港人,自小在香港出生長大接受教育,即使滿天「左仔」 流言「似層層」,他仍氣定神閒地強調自己背景「清白」,全家與共產黨無關,「我只是一個普通的香港大學生而已。」但他坦言︰「我承認我很愛國家,很喜歡中 華文化,但愛國不等於就是左派分子。」
在中學時代,陳一諤對六四事件只是略有所聞,「中五之前,我是個無心向學的學生,最愛搞搞震,是校內的反動分子,平時打遊戲機動輒便是十二三小時, 又會在街上識女仔,更會與人打架,初中化學、數學科全不合格,唯獨對中國歷史、中國文學科感興趣,直至中五才發憤讀書。」結果會考獲廿八分。高中時,他醒 覺玩樂不能帶來滿足感,加上受到學校老師薰陶,令他明易為人群服務才能得到最大喜悅,於是立志要「拯救地球」。聽起來像是傻話,佐他卻說是他的最高理想, 「要達成理想先要裝備自己,所以開始發憤讀書,留意時事,亦從那時起主動認識六四事件。」紀錄片、書籍、網上討論區資訊都是他認識六四事件的管道,的確, 接受訪問時,他亦是歷史書不離身。
有人質疑陳一諤沒有親歷過六四,永遠不會知道歷史真相,無權作出評論,他亦直言在过去二十年从未參與任何紀念六四活動,但他認為:「沒有經歷過六四 事件,今我對六四有一種不完美,但正因這個不完美,讓我對六四不會有先入為主的立場,主觀感情亦傾向中立,有更多空間吸收對六四事件的不同觀點。」他指, 若社會相信平反六四能薪火相傳,便應該接受下一代如他,只能從歷史紀錄去認識六四。
從「宏觀」看六四事件是陳一諤參選的政綱,也是他近日就自己對六四事件「失言」所作的解畫,不論這是否他對六四事件參透,堅持己見卻讓他續受「千夫 所指」,「我承認表達對六四事件意見時,在表達技巧上未夠成熟,解釋不夠清晰,只是將心想到的意見衝口而出,結果釀成風波,但若重新給我機會,我仍會選擇 如實說出我的想法,因為我相信我的意見是客觀無誤。」
陳唯一想澄清的是,從來沒意圖淡化北京六四鎮壓學生的歷史,「平反六四是道德上的堅持,當的北京鎮壓學生確是暴行,為學生討回公義是我們要做的事。 從歷史角度看,人只站在一點上看歷史,往往不能看得通透,正如過去有關六四的討論只著眼於為學生平反這一點上,忽略了整個八九學運背後的意義,我提出的宏 觀看法,其實是冀大家能夠從學運本質出發進行反思,思考學生發起學運的本意,宣揚愛國情懷,但這種提倡非要反對平反六,兩者本無衝突,但我一說卻被狂 插。」
然而他承認,點名指責學運領袖柴玲「走佬」對她實屬不公,「當時有學生提及,對有學運領袖在八九學運時提早離開感到失望,我即時想到柴玲,然後衝口 而點出了她的名,我無意將責任矛頭轉向她,或為北京開脫。事實上當時的學生領袖各有立場,有些希望與中共溝通對話,有些較為激進,主張絕食、以身體擋坦克 子彈,也有些希望盡快結束運動,若學生當年能夠團結一致,八九學運或會有不同的結果,我是想帶出在學運中團結的重要,沒想到產生誤會。」
成為風波中的主角,陳一諤被批評之聲包圍,「大學民主牆由我參選開始,變得很多人留意,上面九成的意見跟我有關,即使是鬧多過支持,但我仍每日看, 然後一笑置之。」他表示,走在校園,支持他的人會跟他說加油、畀心機,反對他的人會眼望望然後去簽名,「只要我是憑良心做事,我仍會忠於自己。」
雖然上任以來招來不少非議,什至面臨被罷免,但他彷彿很看得開: 「我是由民主選舉旗卞來的,倘同學不認同我,我很鼓勵大家簽名罷免我,這也是民主過程,如真能罷免我,亦證明這個機制非常可行。」陳笑著說。(《星岛日报》)
Notice of General Polling on the dismissal from duties of the President of HKUSU, Session 2009
The HKUSU Council received request for General Polling from 4 Union full members on 14 April 2009. 392 signatures from seconders were received in accordance with the required minimum number of Union full members (3%) stated in Union Constitution Section V. The Union Council has subsequently approved the following motion to be moved by General Polling:
Motion that to dismiss CHAN Yi Ngok, Ayo (UID:2008263517) from the duties of President, HKUSU, Session 2009
動議罷免陳一諤(UID:2008263517) 二零零九年度香港大學學生會會長之職務
CHAN Shing Kit (MBBS II)
The details of the General Polling are as follows:
Date: 22nd – 24th April 2009
Time: 10:30 – 17:30
那是文革刚结束、改革开放快到来、人民公社即将瓦解的历史夹缝。70年代末的北京、河南、苏州、上海,人景物的如实记录。那是什么样一个中国,或者应该说,那是什么样一个意大利人眼中的中国,似乎并没有多大的重要性。也许,是因为自己对中国有种若即若离的情感联系,当三十年前的场景在眼前播放,自己很奇妙地也产生了一种陌生中的熟悉感。我无法用语言去描述所看到的一切,在这种时候,实在是“无字胜有字”(好吧,林同学,就算我剽窃你的idea)。A picture speaks a thousand words,更何况一部影片,仿佛将上万亿张泛黄的图片不间断的投射。
于是,在不知不觉中,就朝哲学的领域进军,只是很多人可能没搞清楚这点,就已经成了个Doctor of Philosophy,亦称“博士”。
[Straits Times] Some things are beyond words
And perhaps, the author's views do add weight to my belief that a well thought-out cultural policy should come before we keep harping about language education, so that we overcome our own shallowness in cultural identity, and see that language is only a part - though an essential part - of culture.
Some things are beyond words
By Janadas Devan, Review Editor | |
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It was not till I met the woman who later became my wife that I realised that it was I who was dumb.
It was not that my wife was inarticulate. If anything, she is more articulate than I am.
She can speak faster - and make fewer grammatical mistakes, while speaking with machine-gun rapidity - than I can; and she almost invariably beats me in Scrabble.
No, the realisation that the mental faculties I had assumed were valuable were not the only valuable ones derived from the realisation that my wife possessed faculties that I had not even suspected existed.
The trigger for that realisation was hearing her describe her dreams.
They were, to me, astoundingly elaborate affairs. The landscapes in her dreams were richly detailed, the figures sharply vivid, the narratives complex. Most remarkable, to me, was the fact that she dreamt in colour.
'How do you know the figure was dressed in a green shirt in your dream?' I remember asking.
'Because it was green,' she replied.
'You dream in colour?'
'Of course! Doesn't everyone? I see colours when I'm awake. So why wouldn't I dream in colour?'
I have never dreamt in colour. Indeed, I'm such a poor visualiser - I can't even visualise my own face, let alone the faces of others, including my parents, son and closest friends - the figures in my dreams tend to be vague black-and-white shapes.
I had always assumed that the phrase 'dream-like' meant dim wraith-like figures floating about against equally dim and shadowy backgrounds, for that was what my dreams were always like.
I hear things in my dreams - voices screaming, conversing, whispering - but hardly ever 'see' things.
Where the senses are concerned, I'm all ears. Thus my exaggerated valuation of the spoken and written word, my sensitivity to language and music.
I can recall clearly how people I haven't seen in decades sounded like, or retrieve from memory snatches of music I have heard only once. But I cannot visualise vividly with my eyes closed the person I saw just five seconds ago.
I realised only when I was in my 20s that what I had assumed was a gift - my sensitivity to sound - was as much a disability as it was a gift.
The development of my facility for language - the prolonged training and cultivation of what was probably an in-born inclination to begin with - came at the expense of a great many other faculties, which, in the natural scheme of things, were allowed to atrophy from disuse.
And in the natural scheme of things, I assumed what came naturally to me was the only marker of value.
Societies tend to make similar assumptions. Take the so-called 'classical trivium' that for centuries formed the basis of education in Western societies. Students were expected to master grammar, logic and rhetoric, a trivium that included some music and mathematics but was overwhelmingly linguistic in its orientation.
Poets ought to be banned from the ideal society, Plato urged in his Republic, but in fact poets and other assorted literati defined the content of education for more than 2,000 years.
China's Imperial Examination System - a system that determined for close to 1,300 years admission to Chinese officialdom - was similarly linguistic in its orientation.
Students were expected to master some music and mathematics, a little horsemanship and military strategy, but they spent far more time mastering philosophy, literature, history, law and the intricacies of ritual - subjects all that enmeshed would-be Mandarins in an endless round of words, words and even more words.
Modern education systems are a good deal more balanced, thanks in large part to our recognition that mathematics and the sciences are as valuable, if not more so, as languages.
As Buckminster Fuller once noted - exaggerating his point only slightly for effect - nobody would starve if one threw into the sea all the world's poets and philosophers.
But modern societies would come to a cataclysmic end if we threw into the sea all the world's scientists and engineers.
Wisely, thus, we spend far more money cultivating the mathematical arts in our educational institutions than we do the linguistic arts.
The latter makes life worth living; but the former makes life possible - surely, a priority.
Still, we continue to expend a great deal of intellectual and emotional energy on languages. In Singapore, we argue more incessantly and more passionately about bilingualism than we do the teaching of mathematics.
Many more letters to the press have been written bemoaning the declining standard of English here or the prevalence of Singlish than, say, the visual and plastic arts or the state of musical education.
But which is more crucial: Students effectively bilingual in English and one of the 'mother tongues', or students effectively 'bilingual' in some language as well as the language of numbers?
Would we be better off if our students topped some international ranking in English, Mandarin or Malay - and dropped from first in the international ranking for mathematics, their current rank, to 15th, the current rank of American students?
Would we be better off if our university students were as polished and articulate as Oxford Union debaters - and as innumerate as British students (currently ranked 18th for mathematics by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement)?
Bilingualism is of immense importance. Being able to speak English as well as Mandarin, Malay or Tamil are pure pluses. Being able to express oneself clearly and logically in any language is an absolute good.
We cannot think purposefully, we cannot discuss things rationally, we cannot hit the nail on the head precisely, without a sufficient number of people in society being able to write clearly and elegantly.
But it is possible to exaggerate the importance of a linguistic education to the detriment of a great many other equally valuable faculties.
Some people are simply more articulate visually or musically or mathematically than they are linguistically. An education system should develop such potentialities as assiduously as it does the linguistic.
Thinking and feeling in terms of musical melodies and harmonies can plumb depths as effectively as thinking and feeling in prose or verse.
Someone steeped in the traditions of, say, Chinese landscape painting or Indian music can be as inwardly Chinese or Indian as someone who speaks Mandarin or Tamil perfectly.
There are indeed more things in heaven and earth than have been dreamt of linguistically.
The linguistically able do not have a monopoly on culture. They never have.
所以现在的中国,社会上毫无改革,学术上没有发明,美术上也没有创作;至于多人继续的研究,前仆后继的探险,那更不必提了。国人的事业,大抵是专谋时式的成功的经营,以及对于一切的冷笑。 但冷笑的人,虽然反对改革,却又未必有保守的能力:即如文字一面,白话固然看不上眼,古文也甚提得起笔。照他的学说,本该去“数麻石片”了;他却又不然,只是在莫名其妙的冷笑。中国的人,大抵在如此空气里成功,在如此空气里萎缩腐败,以至老死。
我想,人猿同源的学说,大约可以毫无疑义了。但我不懂,何以从前的古猴子,不都努力变人,却到现在还留着子孙,变把戏给人看。还是那时竟没有一匹想站起来学说人话呢?还是虽然有了几匹,却终于被猴子社会攻击他标新立异,都咬死了;所以终于不能进化呢? 尼采式的超人,虽然太觉渺茫,但就世界现有人种的事实看来,却可以确信将来总有尤为高尚尤近圆满的人类出现。到那时候,类人猿上面,怕要添出"类猿人"这一个名词。
所以我时常害怕,愿中国青年都摆脱冷气,只是向上走,不必听自暴自弃者流的话。能做事的做事,能发声的发声。有一分热,发一分光,就令萤火一般,也可以在黑暗里发一点光,不必等候炬火。 此后如竟没有炬火:我便是唯一的光。倘若有了炬火,出了太阳,我们自然心悦诚服的消失,不但毫无不平,而且还要随喜赞美这炬火或太阳;因为他照了人类,连我都在内。
我又愿中国青年都只是向上走,不必理会这冷笑和暗箭。尼采说: “真的,人是一个浊流。应该是海了,能容这浊流使他干净。” “咄,我教你们超人:这便是海,在他这里,能容下你们的大侮蔑。”(《札拉图如是说》的序言第三节) 纵令不过一洼浅水,也可以学学大海;横竖都是水,可以相通。几粒石子,任他们暗地里掷来;几滴秽水,任他们从背后泼来就是了。
Thanks for that, it was VERY inspiring. 在很多方面,特别从艺术史的角度上来对这个问题的阐释,让我学到很多。
估计,我是受到了港大教育学系对power and discourses的过度影响了。但与此同时,
● 谭中
今年初出版的两本有关中国的名噪一时、牵动人心的新书,一本是美国马里兰大学两位经济学家,印裔顾普多(Anil Gupta)和华裔王海燕(译音)合著的英文书Getting China and India Right:Strategies for Leveraging the World's Fastest Growing Economies for Global Advantage(《正确看待中国和印度:认清符合全球利益的世界增長最快经济的杠杆作用》);另一本是宋晓军、王小东等五名中国作家合著的中文书《中 国不高兴》。
两本书都是警钟雷鸣。英文书要《财富》首千名大公司认识中国和印度的四大“改变游戏规则的现实”(减低生产成本,“巨型增 长”的“巨型市场”,两国是发明创新的“发射台”,是使(全球)企业界上升到更高、更新能力的“跳板”),警告它们:“有谁不权衡中国和印度崛起的杠杆作 用而自我变型,它就有在今后十至十五年中被淘汰或失去独立的危险。”中文书警告统治精英:“西方人的自以为是,是被我们(中国人)惯出来的”;又以“撕破 西方的面纱”、“不能任由美国绑架世界”、“持剑经商”、“在这个世界除暴安良”等劫持国际舆论。
在欧亚大陆两端、同样历史悠久,中国和欧洲发展规律迥异。欧洲是集小国的大成,从古到20世纪上半叶始终沉浸在烽火与硝烟气氛之中,更是发起两次世界大 战的祸首。中国相对地和谐稳定,数千年来是一个大同“天下”,现在更是一统江山、重振雄威、蒸蒸日上的新兴大国——一个中国抵几十个欧洲国家。
欧洲内部在不同时期由不同强权中心向外扩张、试图统一欧洲而不成功。欧洲历史发展的动力是从中心向外扩张、争夺欧洲霸权与海外势力范围。中国历史发展的 动力却来自四面八方,共同维持一个中国的局面。在欧洲是河水引起国际纠纷或者划定国界,在中国却不然。世界十大河流,长江第三,黄河第六或第七,从来就属 于中国,从来就没有任何国家要求分享。
中国是地球上唯一的、由生态环境动力形成的“泛两河(黄河与长江)流域灌溉农业共同生存繁荣国家 ”,外来民族纷至沓来共享中国的相对经济繁荣、社会稳定与文化发达。普林斯顿大学经济历史学家麦迪逊(Angus Maddison)统计:从公元50至960年,中国人口是全球的六分之一,从1280至1700年上升到四分之一,1820年更是全球三分之 一,1995年是全球五分之一。中国生存与发展的规律是:人类众志成城到神州大地来创造并建设一个和谐的“共享”集体。
这亿万人“共享 ”的强大愿望又要容纳亿万“人往高处走”的个人要求,两者形成矛盾的统一。使这样一个宇宙式的国家正常运作只能采取太阳系模式:众星围绕光芒四射的强大统 治中心进行公转,西方历史学家称它为“开明专政”(enlightened despotism)。在一般正常的“治世”,平民拥护缺点众多的政府,政府实在太坏就“起义”推翻它,另起炉灶。人民永远希望政府完美,政府永远无法满 足人民愿望,中国永远寻求自我完善。
满清、北洋军阀与民国时代中国落后、挨打的教训是惨痛的,但是在中华人民共和国建国六十周年的今天世界局势起了翻天覆地的变化,虽然“中华民族到了最危 险的时候”仍然天天在唱,但中国那些“强国论坛”、“强国社区”、“强国博客”多半是讨论如何完善中国和谐“共享”集体内部的具体问题,不是要求变成超级 大国去世界称霸。
中国饱受西方成见歧视应该“不高兴”,中国头脑受西方文明腐蚀也应医治。西方文明的基本旋律是“使强力无穷大 ”(maximization of power),西方文明几千年自相残杀、西方国家近世纪兴盛以及今天全球“强力”(power)集中到如日中天的美国又开始西斜,这些都是“强力政治 ”(power politics)所致,对中国的生存与发展不是补药而是毒药。《中国不高兴》以及它的“前身”——1996年出版的《中国可以说不》——服了这毒药没有 呢?什么叫“做英雄国家”,“拯救全人类”呀!?
书的一位作者认为中国“人多资源少”,生存竞争激烈就是“虎狼社会”,“太幸福就成了 弱者,我就得把他变成虎狼”。人们不禁想起2004年开始的中国社会关于“狼文化”与“羊文化”的争论,特别由华为公司领头在企业界闹得沸沸扬扬。 2007年初问世的《怀念羊》长篇小说和中国文学中那一大“狼”群(《狼图腾》、《狼道》、《狼魂》、《酷狼》、《像狼一样思考》等等),不知谁胜谁负。 据说这“狼文化”的灵感出自美国“aggressiveness”,它今天把包括美国在内的整个世界害得好惨!中国难道还要向“虎狼社会”前进吗?
“不论是否担得动”中国都“必须领导世界走出这场(金融)危机”,这是唐吉诃德精神呀!《中国不高兴》真有点像黄种人背起吉卜林的“白种人的包袱”。但 我们看到:中国是充满希望的国家,中国人希望、但不坚持样样十全十美。“不高兴”的中国人永不舍弃对内并不完美、对外委曲求全的祖国——他们还是“高兴” 的。
Response to SoE essay: letter (2)
1) 文以载道:“道”在新加坡也有两面性:新加坡人的道和华人的道 —— National Education and Chinese Morals. 我们要教的东西很累赘哦。尤其当我们有时也很难分辨什么是文化,什么是道德,还是两者是交汇的。
You raised a good point, and an important one which I have not been able to deal adequate with depth in my paper. As I was reading, a big issue we have is the formulation of our "five shared values" by a group of Chinese scholars from the West like 余时英 and 杜维明, passed in Parliament in 1991. It's based on Confucianism, though scholars tended to call it "plastic Confucianism" aka "fake". Chinese textbooks developed in 1992 had to evolve around these five shared values as the main curriculum framework (this has been reduced in intensity since 2004). Herein lies a big controversy because on one hand, shared values were supposed to be for the nation, regardless of race; on the other, because its roots are in Chinese culture, the Chinese subject tends to intensify it in teaching. The dilemma then arises as to the two 道, but look deeper and perhaps what we need to understand is how the current "NE morals" have borrowed and evolved from "Chinese morals", and seeing the bigger picture, how the PAP ideologies in education have constrained the "Chinese culture" taught in our CL lessons. Now, some CL teachers say, the focus of Chinese lessons should be on language, and feel that if they were asked to teach culture and other related stuff, it gets too heavy. Well I can understand their concerns, but I think it's time we reversed the logic of our thinking and see that the content of teaching ultimately determines learning motivation of language, and that language teaching is brought out as a product of content teaching about culture and identity. I would say at least this should be the case at secondary and post-sec levels. My own theory based on speaking with teachers is this: children don't speak Mandarin because they are not confident; they don't read because they freak out at the sight of Chinese characters, and because we have never taught them reading strategies - which, in order not to become staunch exam techniques, have to be built upon the process of content understanding; they don't write because they don't have sufficient life experiences and also because our exams have constrained the scope of writing too much. The learning of a language ultimately has to be self-motivated, because as we all know, there is really no "knowledge" in the language itself. You have to cross that psychological barrier, and then want to understand and express some thought, before you go and pick up the language. Fundamentally this should be the way our CL education proceeds. At MOE, I believe the new secondary CL curriculum will be a progressive step towards this, based on the initial plans I have heard, plus because the director (陈之权老师) and deputy director (陈志锐老师)at SCCL are quite liberal-minded. But I think we need to spark a debate of some sort, and then hear what teachers have to say. They - ourselves included - determine the course of action.
2)我非常非常欣赏你的 ——So the aim of basic education should not be to provide answers. Rather it should be to learn some facts, then do 2 things: 1) stimulate questions that need not be answered right away; 2) helping students maintain the curiosity to find out the answer(s) as they grow older. 因为许多老师——无论是不是中文老师——
That is a very good point as well, the dynamism between national identity and Chinese identity. Perhaps one of the greatest possible loopholes in using Wang Gungwu's framework in my essay is to see national identity as part of Chinese identity. This is certainly so for first-generation immigrants, but for the third generation and beyond, it warrants a re-consideration. In a sense PAP has been successful in making us "Singaporean" through our "race". Maybe, underlying my arguments in the paper, I have already begun to acknowledge this shift subtly when I realized that the key context of "cultural identity" today is to foster a reconciliation between "basic Chinese norms" (tradition, historical formation etc) and "modern cultural norms" (individualisation, Western ideals etc) in ourselves. The national identity has been left unquestioned in my essay, not because I don't want to but because there is no simple answer to it and no consensus academically. One key point to note as a future projection is whether the sense of national identity will be strengthened in light of China's growth and increasing foreign immigrants, or whether that Chinese perspective will come forth more. And in order not to confuse ourselves, we also have to place this in the light of Chinese EDUCATION: How are we going to balance the dynamics between these two? I have no answer too, but thanks for raising the point because it should inspire further thinking.
Education, like all power-driven discourses, shapes and is shaped by social trends and what members of society think. But so long as it is kept within a limit, most often the "shaping" has more dominace over how systems are shaped by social forces. That is where it can get a bit scary, because policy makers and researchers then believe what they do and try to make everyone believe them. And somehow while young educated Singaporeans have more and more doubts we seldom find a way to consolidate and crystalize these issues for rational debates. Perhaps sub-consciously we never felt the need for this because PAP dominates everything. But this will, and should change in the next one or two decades.
Response to SoE essay: Letter (1)
You know, as I was reading your mail, I was smiling - a large grin. Why? Cos our understanding of the current problems are almost 99.9% - the last 0.1% as a SOP to hedge our stands and "not be too affirmative". To see that you coming from your own experiences have some much similarity to my views show that perhaps with more case studies my understanding of our generation - at least ppl from similar dominantly-Chinese families - is worthy of further pursue, perhaps even becoming "grounded theory", as they call it in social science.
I will reply you one paragraph by one paragraph. See the blue words below.
hi,i will just like to start by saying that it is definitely an interesting read, but definitely not an easy one. perhaps i have lost connections to the outside world, so pardon me for replying to such an elegantly structured article with simplified sentences in point form. i am sorry but recently i have not been in the best of moods, or the hopeful of a purposeful and just world. perhaps i shall focus more on the content in this mail, not that i have anything against your style of writing..i would not call this feedback, to your writing, but rather i think i just want to put this across as a response.u mentioned we, as chinese, keeps our sense of chinese identity be descent. meaning we are born chinese, and that makes us chinese. i kinda do not agree to that. perhaps i misunderstood you. but i was thinking if put a non chinese in a chinese family before 1 year old to be brought up as a chinese, and if u put a chinese in another non-chinese environment and brought up as some other culture. i am not too sure what will happen. i kinda think that family upbringing is important too in?recognizing who you are. perhaps the language is not as important, but the way you are brought up, the mindset is important.
The point about being Chinese by descent and appearance is a point that has been made by prominent sociologists like John Clammer and Wang Gungwu in the 1980s. To a large extent I still think it very much holds true. In mainland China, to enter the Chinese circle you need to know how to write Chinese, at least - what researchers call "Han culturalism". Even then, be it in China or in overseas societies, "blood" is a very important concept, coupled with paternal lineage. Speaking of just the Chinese alone, in Singapore (and probably most South-east Asian countries), ”blood" forms the baseline of who we are racially and ethnically. Because it comes so naturally, we sometimes don't even question that aspect of our own identity. Now for the cases you mentioned, of course family upbringing is important. But the question boils down to how you see yourself, how others see you, and how society "categorizes" you (more on this later). Put an Indian in a Chinese family in Singapore, he is Chinese in language, habits and thought. Maybe if his father is Chinese they may classify him as Chinese race, but still if he doesn't talk or speaks English, people see him as Indian in our society. It's that simple. It's our epistemological lens of seeing people by their appearance, and then descent.
which brings me to the pitiful point of living in sg. i use to think that the way we grow up, when we are toddlers, looking and making sense of the world, that is when we first start identifying ourselves. the old stuff, the environment we grow up, how i remember my grandma use to wake in the middle of the night to drink milo. but that is the stuff that is wiped out so quickly in sg now. i dont see the things i grow up with, in, around. the ppl move on. the environment change. too fast. if u ask me now what i feel about being a singaporean, i dont know. what that is holding me back to staying here, just the ppl. no much feelings for local culture. no much feelings for local place. it seems to me that it is not about making another place a home, it seems to me the reason why we are still holding on to our lives. recently i have been thinking, look at me.. am i still alive? so what is there worth celebrating about. which is why ppl say to celebrate, exactly as you are living. but in this sense if i am right, we lose our sense of presence, of country, what more a race?
I agree. People do hold us back the most, otherwise I think I would prefer living in HK because it is really more liberal here. But still, after being overseas for so long, I sometimes miss the air in Singapore so much. I miss my neighbourhood, I miss the food market, I don't miss local food, but I miss the plants back home. This issue branches into "national identity", and seriously it isn't that easy to define this aspect because it involves theoretical divisions of ideological, judgmental, emotional aspects etc. For me, the way I have handled it in my essay is to downplay the issue and see it from a perspective of increasing national identity from the first generation to our generation - We may be critical of our own identities, but it does boil down to the fact that you are bothered enough to think about it. If you don't regard yourself Singaporean, you probably wouldn't care less thinking why and what makes you so.
but if i were to look at it as a person, not a singaporean. not a chinese. look at USA. it is like the other country in recent year that is formed from a mix of influx ppl. not totally indians, like India, not totally chinese like China. ?not much like france or britain. its like a mix. mess u can say. still messy now. still incoherent. but they develop their own culture. something the world sees and say, that is just so american. but i see that that helps then to stand out and say they are american. y should we be so concerned we lost out china connections? we itself is too a state and community of producing our own culture? true. we have the benefits of possessing old chinese plus qualities. but we need not stop from finding our own. and not totally worried about losing part of the old ones.?
I have always been interested in comparing North America's development path with our nation's own development, esp in this day and age when immigration begins to affect us drastically. I have yet to do so, but from the professor teaching this module - an amazing guy who's American with Italian blood, came over to HK in his late 20s and been here for over 30 yrs, and is an expert on minorities in mainland China specializing in Tibet and Mongolia, I do see many similarities. But for our nation to develop something like theirs is going to be difficult, not least because of the historical road we have taken - or at least what the PAP has wanted us to take. I wouldn't be too sure to say that we have produced our own culture, this point is controversial among researchers. I do agree, however, that we need to find our own - which includes losing old stuff, acquiring new elements, and balancing the two. That has been taken into account in my paper, by the inclusion of "basic Chinese cultural norms" and "modern cultural norms" in the cultural identity, and if you see my suggestions towards the end of the paper, this point about storming, norming and forming our own unique identity as "Singaporean Chinese", if this term isn't too offensive, is what I advocate in our education, and also what "bicultural elites" take the initiative to do. (End of this month or early next month, I am preparing to write an article for my column on Zaobao Sunday, called 《人文性的“双文化”》, which will focus on this issue.
just a random quote i saw today, "I can?foresee?a country without wars. no one is fighting. no one is hungry. everyone works and is well fed. everyone is happy and content. and i can foresee us attacking that country, coz they are least expecting it." it is sometimes not enough for ourself to be happy and built a sustainable country coz we will be attacked. but can we built one that is peaceful and fully capable of defending ourself? can a trained but inexperienced soldier ever fight a war?
Pray, no wars. *Fingers crossed* Amitabha, Amen, Allah...
sometimes i also think that religion may play a small or larger role. look at the older folks, their religion, their beliefs. and look at the newer generation. sometimes u cannot blame a shift in belief. if the belief shifts, it may have an impact on the culture, the festives, the purpose. like tomb sweeping. like mid autumn. like cny. many of these we are no longer feeling for it. many of these, sadly, is more for a moral celebration than a physical one. like cny. we are not farmers. we do not feel the happiness in the spring. we are not a large country. we do not understnad the gathering of a large family to celebrate. so what then do we celebrate? if there ever is a need to celebrate.
I agree with your views on religion, because of my own personal experience. When ppl ask me about my religion nowadays, I say I am Taoist by birth but Buddhist by belief. Now why keep the Taoist part if I no longer believe in it? Cos I seriously think there's a big part in me that is shaped since young by this part of myself, and even till today I think the calming effect acquired from Taoism still works better than yoga for me. I have stopped short of mentioning it in my paper because it will be too much of an assertion that I won't be able to find much substantiation. But still I believe personally religion contributes a lot to who we are as Chinese. And festivals, you're right. Less "feel" than before. But still it's not going to die out, and even if it's just going to be ritual, I think it helps in sustaining an ethnic group identity.
if we look at a couple of centuries ago, we ask ourself what is a race? why are there races? why are the indians and the chinese not a race? why are the malays and indians not a race? why are the hokkiens and teochews not a race? there seems to be a max limit of the size of a race, the physical distance before they are no longer part of the race. so why is it that now, as we migrate, we bring our old race along. old race? new race? recently i was thinking about the reasons why humans need to live and organise. to create power. to create leaders. to create gangs. to create so many systems and structures.?
Ah ha! Good question. I mentioned this in my paper that we in Singapore have a CIMO (Chinese, Indian, Malay, Others) policy that I found out was staunchly put in place when we were in primary school. This has been critiqued since the 1980s till today. For the Chinese we don't feel it so much esp after we lose our dialects, but for the Indians it's still very much an identity issue because the languages they speak are different and that is linked to their or their forefathers' of origin. In due time we will need to reconsider this because the "others" population will begin to increase tremendously. The thing is, race is very much a colonial idea to segregate ppl so they don't create trouble, and has been thrown out by many countries after WWII. Only Singapore is still using it very much alive as a political form of segregation. It boils down to how we have been managing our racial diversity issue all these yrs. Like you pointed out in the later part of your letter, we speak English but we don't understand one another. Because all along we have been taught to be "harmonious" - which, the way I see it, it's just "tolerance", albeit without much offence. We never truly integrated as a people. That also in turn affects our national identity, and how our national education has been shaped to become so superficial. That's also why until today we are having IRCC - Inter-racial confidence circles. See, it's just "confidence", still no integration.
many of the stuff i understand today of chinese culture are told by my parents. grandparents. the younger seems to not talk too ?much to their older folks. somethign of the chinese and only seen in chinese. we do very little documentation. very few instruction manual. we pass a lot of skills, informations through words of mouth. through lifestyle. through living together. but sometimes i think, disagreeing with what u said, we are still unable to learn language as only a tool. u learn maths. u use maths. do u feel very mathematical? no. maths is a tool. no culture associated. anyone who is discussing about maths do not feel so far off from each other. u learn english. u learn english literature. can we understand literature without underatanding their culture, background, society? i think not. but we need to do exams. we study history, of singapore, of west. of china? not till recent years. y? like i said. i am an engineer. you learn maths as a tool. you cannot learn english as a tool. cannot? you can actually. but we are not. we are learning so much of english, or any language, that it is no longer just a tool.?
This is one point that you definitely have mis-read me. If I mentioned anything like "language as a tool", I must be raising it so I can shoot it down. This is an excerpt from my blog post today:
It is precisely because 身教 no longer works that education has to take on a greater cultural responsibility, and the nation needs a better cultural policy. That's why in my paper I suggested adding "literacy" to the ethnic-language-culture equation of logic. But as you see, we never still quite have a good Chinese term to translate "literacy". That's why it doesn't figure in the minds of Chinese educator. Without suitable vocabulary there is no concept.
something i feel recently, a lot of kids do not understand the point of education while they are in the system. a lot of us still do not understand education. i still dont. i dont think i ever will. sometimes, i dont want to. the more u understand, the more u look back at what we are doing and ask what the hell are we still doing something like that? but we are sometimes reistant to the solution. we may see it. but we may not always do it. singapore does not allow someone who is 30 or older to go back to formal education. not like europe. y? because of that, we are only given one chance. those who screw it up halfway gives up and walk to the end. those that does not, runs all the way to the end. completes the race. and stand there at the end point. coz we dont know what we have done. we dont know what next to do. sometimes i feel that language is an application tool too, like maths. we teach language, using that, we communicate. and through communicating, we teach common sense. we teach right and wrong. we teach thinking skills. and we use language. but currently i like to think that we teach language by teaching language. literature kind of language.?
Ok, this point strays from the discussion. Still, it's very important because it's a bigger question - in fact an international one facing all developed countries shrouded by the globalization discourse. Basic state education is a very difficult issue to deal with, in fact more troublesome than tertiary education because the implications are far-reaching. I attended a lecture by a World Bank official some weeks back, and one point he mentioned was precisely the inclusion of continuing education for adults in tertiary institutions. In due time I believe this point will come through, depending on market conditions. As for the point about not daring to think, well at least for me it's a responsibility. It's ultimately what taxpayers paid my school fees for isn't it - to improve the education system? I do wonder sometimes how far I can "fight" state decisions and power, but at times if need be, I think I will still "speak Truth to the state" in my personal capacity. At least the current Director-General of Education is very receptive to new ideas, very humanist as well, so I see hope.
like u said, a lot of our education is actually economically driven. we started off as a fishing village. we move off, as a trading village. we end of as a traders village. if u think about it, most of our economy is still business based. we are only starting to do services, which is still a kind of business. we do not have much native technology. we do not have much native skills. switzerland ppl makes good watches. germans make good cars. what we do best? trading. traders learn what they need to make the money. we teach chinese for china, english for US and the world. sometimes i really wonder how sustainable is this? last sat's straits time. the best paying job is still econs in nus and smu. ntu is bio engineering. it says, i am not quoting, that if u can, the best choice now is still to go to business. econs. but y is the current ecomonic situation like that? but i suppose the money will still stay in that sector for a while more. perhaps a long while. if education is economically driven, then y are we thinking so hard about it? if we do not understand the fundamental of having education, how can we make a good system?
The aim-of-education debate needs to be sparked off again, but I think researchers and philosophers are trying to find a way how. Cos the moment you do this, you not only have to counter state power, you have to deal with the whole globalization discourse and it's just going to be either non-effective or you come up with a theory that ultimately becomes an ivory tower. As of now, I think at the tertiary level we can borrow some ideas from other universities how to be less market-driven in our "products" - read, graduates, but still the proportion is gg to be controlled by the State. No choice, we need money before talking abt anything else. But from primary to pre-tertiary, I am determined to prevent any over-inflitration of money talk seeping in too early. In recent months some friends have asked me what I think of including "financial management" as secondary modules, and I replied perhaps JC or poly. I really don't wish to see kids becoming corrupt in the mind when they're too young to even differentiate right from wrong - or maybe left? I see it in some Band 3 schools in HK. Kids talk of jobs jobs jobs at 13 yrs old, 'cos that's what their parents teach them at home knowing they won't make it to university. The way I see it, basic education has a "shield" to maintain. If there is indeed a logic as study hard --> score good grades --> get good degree --> find good job, I don't wish for students to jump from one end to the other straightaway when they shld be exploring a lot even in their teenagehood. At times you do question why learn all the "wrong" stuff that's over-simplified, and I think once you had the answer by saying that it's because by having the basic stuff that's incomplete, we learn to unlearn and relearn, so we learn better than if we had nothing. I think that's going to be eternal. It's just a process of knowledge growth. It's just like the religion we mentioned earlier too: when young you learn rules without questioning, or getting answers like "you'll know when you grow up" if you did question. When you grow older, you will seek your own answers - but only if you remembered you had a question. So the aim of basic education should not be to provide answers. Rather it should be to learn some facts, then do 2 things: 1) stimulate questions that need not be answered right away; 2) helping students maintain the curiosity to find out the answer(s) as they grow older. At least, that will be my philosophy of teaching.
you also mentioned using language, like english, that is common to bridge distances between different communities. but sometiems i think it is not useful. u can make then talk, but that does not mean they understand one another. that does not mean they dont fight. i rather think that the policy they are using is not allowing u to talk about it. abstinence. like sex and aids. dont touch it. u dont get it. the virus, and the sex. oh ya. and the communities arguing. cant we use religion, the chinese harmony values and morals to promote peace? cant we identify with the fact that we are stuck here on this island and we need to stick together? i dont see too much use to a common language honestly. it is a tool. but it does not solve the problem on its own. sometimes i feel like our society is binded together by post it notes. it holds together. but it also peels away without any stain. we cannot change a society ?overnight. so education is like the only bet. but we dont see the real aims of education, other than ecomonically.
I wouldn't agree with the point that society cannot change overnight. It can, and that's why we are all so concerned. I think one key question that has popped up and stayed there in my mind these days is: how is society possible? Some ppl like Margaret Thatcher may say there are only individuals and families, no society, and relegate society as a construct that is in the mind. Still, for various reasons humans have bonded in groups and a society. Try reading Rousseau‘s "On the origin of inequality". It's got some nice theories though probably not sufficient to answer this anthropological question.
Perhaps sometimes we are overstating the economic issue sometimes. At least, in basic education I do see that at times we do try to do more than just the economic - though that is the ultimate goal. That said, my take is that our form of "political correctness" in education is becoming overboard in light of changing limits in thought. I mentioned this in my paper as well.
its not very coherent this email. but i try to put it some post it notes at the end. hopefully it holds. chinese identity. pardon me for asking y we need it? pardon me for asking how u define it. to me i grow up like that. handed down mouth to ?mouth, hands to hands. i did not learn it in school, during my time, school promoted speaking english. speak english at home. honestly. so i never really appreciate the purpose of education. because of that, i dont see a link education and chinese identity. the language can help, by teaching the language, u teach the chinese moral, history, way of life. the westerners spent a lot of their history invading, colonising. we spent a great deal, after qin emperor, thinking. philosphers. medicine. certain science. like chiinese medicine, we learn from pratical, trial an error. observations. in many ways we are different from the west. and we are not necessarily worse off. if u look at leading science, medicine approach, it is actually quite close to the chinese. but we dont teach that in school anymore. the chinese righteousness. the morals and values. the contradiction. we can find all sorts of contradiction in chinese teachings, and we can see a convergence in all that. i dont yet. some ppl do. but we dont teach these anymore. we stick to passages, we stick to learning more words. there was an argurment put forward in book outliers, asians are always better in maths. y? maybe its the language. we only have one syllable for each number. one to ten. seven. that is long. we go shi san. two syllable. two number. thirteen. that is odd. and twenty three does not follow the thirteen system. twenty onwards follow a different naming system than from eleven to nineteen. compare one, eleven, twenty one, thirty one. eleven is odd. different system. look at yi. shi yi. er shi yi. san shi yi. that is coherent system. so it facilitates us counting in the mind. its more efficient. coherent. more fun, easier, we do better in maths. but its his book, his theory. he is an ang moh. look at abacus. nothing close to its efficiency, non-eletronic, in the western side. but we dont tthink like that anymore. we do zen meditation yoga. but chinese has its form of meditation too.
I think this is one point I am more bothered with than most ppl because of my own experiences in China. Makes me wonder sometimes if I am more West than East. Here, a few paragraphs from my blog post today:
1) 在我们的语文课程内,特别是中学课程,
2) 之前不断被“权利”与“义务”、“付出”与“获得”
而当下,中国逐渐出现 的矛盾之一,便是在“权利”与“义务”这个点上。被压抑的要“
its sometimes the things we teach that makes us identify ourself. its the things we understand that we call our own. as child psychologist believe, children need to identify themself. so they mimick their adults. the first thigns they see. their parents. so its from there on that they learn. and it always continues learning. but we live in the new age, the age that asks y. how efficient. y a chinese identity? what can it do for me? other than riding the china wave. y education.? y i am borned a chinese makes me a chinese? i see that we now think of ourselves as stuck nowhere. not fully chinese, not western. and under siege of a hell lot of immigrants with more culture to mix in. sometimes we dont identify ourself with the new chinese immigrants. they call themselves chinese. i am supposed to do the same. but i dont identify, but definitely they are chinese. so probably im not. what i think? we need to create a singapore chinese, not too unlike the chinese chinese. but somethign distinct we still call our own. wats wrong with a different type of chinese? american english, british english, australian english, y cant we have a singapore version of chinese, or singlish?
On the point about Singapore Chinese, another blog quote:
Stuck between East and West - that is the fundamental question in my mind as I ponder on Chinese education in Singapore, and on a greater scale, the whole society's development. China is facing the same problem, but they are burdened with a LARGE historical baggage. So I think for Singaporeans, we can lead the Eastern world by becoming the ones to be "bi-cultural" (ok I hate this word but it's probably apt for now). We need to move from the way we have amessed East-West culture into our political system, to focusing on each individual's own world. If you ask me, that is the way education has to go, and is one of the main aims of education. Because, simply put, without this, most ppl will be lured by Western ideals in no time because it has a Satan-ian appeal like the snake to Eve: "bite the apple bite the apple!!" While for those of us who still have a staunch affliation for Chinese habits and culture, and who don't see everything as "outdated", we need to find that middle ground that is not too English, not too China-Chinese. If you ask me, that has to involve all disciplines of the humanities. On my part, I am trying in the arena of arts, thought and education. But whether there can be success, I don't know. I'm not too worried, since after all society evolves as a whole. I just wish we have more "thought leaders" in Singapore, and hopefully a few make it into Cabinet.