



Coming to HK has probably got to be the wisest choice made in my life thus far.

The past year has made me understand what agony poor health is, what desolateness in solitude feels like, how one smiles at the bright sunny sky every morning despite saying "last prayers" every night "just in case" he doesn't get to wake up, and of the importance of life's sense of purpose so one actively moves on though some engagements may be dreadful.

Ever since I became a university student, there have only been 3 times when I wanted to write a collection of essays. The first was after my one-month stay in South Korea, of which daily accounts are actually on my blog. The second was after my one-month stay in India, of which I have already compiled entries from my diary into a small book and emailed friends. The third, unsurprisingly, is about my stint in HK so far. I've even thought out the name for it: 《与市相融的苍凉——香港留学记》; and the contents: 楔子、港大篇、房东篇、友人篇、自然篇、草根篇、社会篇、艺术篇、结语:跨越界线. I don't know just when I can come out with this book, though I have some writings here and there.

It has been the wisest choice coming here, because I feel like I am experiencing life in my barest state - almost getting to the roots of the whole of existence. I don't know what the road ahead will be like, what dreams I will fulfill and decisions I will make. I also understand I may not thrive well in the vain, modern society. Yet all these seem superfluous, at least for now, in light of all that I've seen and felt. I know this sounds incredulous, but I really think this state of being "pessimistic in the mind, optimistic in will" is a well-balanced equilibrium of life and death, hope and fear, light and darkness... One learns to embrace "self-perceived" enemies, and then pins hope on transcendence. In literature, I think Lu Xun and Zhang Ai Ling managed that; in philosophy, I think Nietzsche's analogy of Apollo-Dionysus relationship in "The Birth of Tragedy" is a wonderful beacon that very well theorizes what I feel. Observing life and people in Hong Kong is like watching a never-ending tragedy, and the soul of the audience - me - gets trascended in magical ways. It may also be because of "all" walks of life - children, youths, academics, corporate workers, labour workers, old people etc - are encompassed in my "worldview" of HK that I also somehow feel that aging isn't actually such a terrible thing. Fundamentally speaking, difference is only skin-deep; ultimately, all the people I have come across here in HK are united by this aesthetic notion of desolateness (苍凉, and hence the over-arching title of my new book). Personally, the youthful vibes in me still push me a little more towards the side of Apollo - the epitomization of optimism and hope, but "desolateness" is such a powerful form of existence - at least aesthetically when viewed with an disinterested eye - that I cannot resist the temptation to capture it in words.

Is this complex? Maybe, maybe not. As they have it in Zen Buddhism:












